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Senin, 11 April 2011

Updating cPanel using the Screen

GNU Screen is a free terminal or screen multiplesking that allows users to access multiple separate terminal sessions inside a single terminal window or remote terminal session. screen is useful when we want to run multiple programs from the command line at a time, so that these programs will be run separately from the main terminal window.

Usability is the most important of the screen to save the terminal session if in the process we logout or a remote connection suddenly disconnected, the process in other terminals, which opened under the screen is still able to continue. Very, very useful if we want to do a long-running processes on remote server where the internet connection is not stable.

Installation Screen

For Debian and Ubuntu screen applications can be installed by running the following command:


$ aptitude install screen


$ sudo aptitude install screen

If using OS CentOS can be installed by running the command:

$ yum install screen

Using Screen

To run screen, run the following command:

$ screen

The command will open automatically a new terminal which is a page screen session.

- CTRL + A C
used to create a new session screen.
- CTRL + A N
used to move to the next screen session.
- CTRL + A P
used to move to the previous screen session.
- CTRL + A D
used to separate the terminal from a screen session (without turning off the process contained in the session)
- CTRL + D
used to turn off / menterminasi session screen if it is currently selected

To re-enter the screen session and see the process that is still going on, run the following command:

$ screen -r

If you want to exit the terminal session screen after the process is completed within a screen session, use the following command:

$ exit

Update cPanel using a screen

It would be very troublesome if the connection is lost when we do updates to our cPanel machine. Not to mention if the cPanel we experienced an error because the update process fails. Therefore, the following will be given a few tips to update cPanel using a screen.

As usual for cPanel update simply by running the following command / scripts / upcp, but when the screen then the pace will be slightly different.

First make a new screen session:

$ screen

After that when the screen is made ​​new and the window title has been changed to [screen 0: bash], then live run the command to update cPanel:

$ /scripts/upcp

Just waiting until the update process is complete and SSH window can be closed if necessary.    

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