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Minggu, 17 April 2011

Can not login WebMail

In previous articles, access e-mail using webmail, already explained how to log into email after creating an email account in cPanel. Of course, if you follow the article you are not experiencing the problem to how to log into webmail.

But if you have problems that can not log into webmail, general problems are:

Error in writing.
Consider writing uppercase and lowercase letters in your password. Email system to distinguish the use of uppercase and lowercase letters. You can make changes to passwords by logging in to cPanel and select Email Accounts and then select Change Password.

Email Account Space Full.
When you create an email account the first time, you are given two options to set the email account quota. If you determine quotas own email account (do not choose unlimited) then do checks on the menu in cPanel Email Account. You can e-mail account quota modifier when full.

Full Hosting Account Space.
You can delete these files and / or emails that have not been used on your hosting account to get the disk space is empty.

Port 2095 blocked.
When you access your webmail with address, you'll automatically been forwarded to But there are times when Internet providers to block access to that port, but this can be overcome by accessing webmail through address.

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